"I first met Gabriel Austin in April 2003 on EXLIBRIS-L..."
And so begins a tribute of sorts to Gabriel Austin, who died on March 8, 2013.
I first met Gabriel Austin in April 2003 on EXLIBRIS-L, an online discussion group moderated by Everett Wilkie for the benefit of librarians, booksellers, and book collectors. I can't remember what Gabriel Austin wrote about in his post in April 2003; but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and responded off-list to him.
I was unaware when I first wrote him that he was Mary Hyde's librarian at Four Oaks Library. "Her Ladyship," as Gabriel frequently referred to her, was a Samuel Johnson collector, same as me, but on a much bigger scale.
Gabriel and I corresponded for almost ten years. In the early emails, he "learned me" all about Mary Hyde and Samuel Johnson. Then he guided me in cataloging the Hyde libraries on Library Thing. And lately, we talked about our health problems. I never met him in person, but I got to know him rather well through his emails. But most of the early emails were lost in cyberspace when I closed my webtv accounts in 2007. I did, however, save two memorable ones—at least for me. And in this blog post, I include them and a selection of other emails

When Lady Eccles died in August 2003, I posted a few words and thoughts about her to Exlibris. That is what Gabriel Austin is referring to in the above email, a copy of which I wisely forwarded from my webtv email address to my yahoo address. My ExLibris post is long gone, and so is my webtv address; but I posted my Mary Hyde tribute to the Johnsonian Group at Yahoo as well:
Re: Obituary: Mary Eccles, a Collector of Johnson-Boswell Material
I was unaware of the sad news concerning Her Ladyship. I had sent her a birthday card in July, telling her how much I enjoyed reading her books. For several months now, I have been intending to include her in the section of my visual library devoted to the Ladies of My Library. Just last weekend, I had a sudden urge to have a separate section for the books by or about Her Ladyship. I started moving the photos of the books from the other ladies of my library; but, I never got around to listing the other books by Mary Hyde Eccles that I've acquired.
On the bookcase nearest my bed, is my copy of Mary Hyde Eccles, a Miscellany of Her Essays and Addresses, New York, 2002. I read a few pages of her each night. Her first essay in the book, Shakespeare, Jr., sounded familiar; it was. This essay was one of the essays included in To Doctor R, Philadelphia, 1946, published in honor of Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach's seventieth birthday.
.....and to think that I wasn't even born yet......
Another book in my library was published on Sept. 18, 1946 "Over against the Traffick Circle near Somerville, in New-Jersey." This book, the first keepsake of the Johnsonians, Benjamin Rush's Reminiscences of Boswell & Johnson, was given to the dinner guests at Four Oaks Farm on the occasion of Dr. Johnson's Natal Day in 1946,"to do him honour."
In 1967, Gabriel Austin, of whom Mary Hyde Eccles considered to be part of the family, edited Four Oaks Farm and Four Oaks Library, a tribute to the Hydes. " I want this to be a happy book, put together while things are still going on." These are the words from Donald Hyde that Gabriel Austin included in the preface of the history of Four Oaks Farm. Mary Hyde Eccles took those words to heart, especially in her essay, The Guest Book, which contains some amusing anecdotes concerning the guests at Four Oaks Farm. Her Ladyship knew how to write, and how to converse.
Perhaps a quote by Samuel Johnson, extracted from Bell's Johnson Calendar, Oxford,1916, best sums up the wit of Her Ladyship:
"Talking of conversation, he said, 'There must, in the first place, be knowledge, there must be materials; in the second place, there must be a command of words; in the third place, there must be imagination, to place things in such views as they are not commonly seen in; and in the fourth place, there must be presence of mind, and a resolution that is not to be overcome by failure; this last is an essential requisite; for want of it many people do not excel in conversation..."
Yes, Her Ladyship excelled in writing, in conversing, and in living.
Several days later, Gabriel Austin forwarded Nicolas Barker's obituary on Mary Hyde to me:

RE: Heart
Gabriel Austin
To 'Jerry Morris'
Are you one [of] that dread species a grandpa with pictures?
There comes a point in your life when you realize
who matters,
who never did,
who won't anymore...
and who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in 2008,
including me, if you care.
Catalogus Bibliothechae Hydeiana
Greetings. I hope all is well with you. The heart is still doing good, but everything else is falling apart; I'm scheduled for gall bladder surgery on Wednesday.
I've been keeping myself busy cataloging books on Library Thing. Currently, we're cataloging the library of James Boswell. After that, we hope to do Mrs. Thrale's library. I've also been thinking of cataloging the Hyde library early next year, and that's where I need to pick your brain.
Did Fleeman catalogue the entire Hyde Library or just the Samuel Johnson Collection? I would like to include all of the Hyde Collections on Library Thing. The Samuel Johnson Collection is online at Harvard. The auction catalogue of Mary Hyde's Shakespeare Collection is online. I also have the hard copy of the catalogue, and a copy of the catalogue of the Japanese Collection as well. What I need to find are lists of the books in the Henry Fielding Collection that went to Harvard (?), as well as lists of the books in the G.B. Shaw and Oscar Wilde Collections that went to the British Library. Was there ever a list of the books made up for insurance purposes? If not, I will contact the respective libraries. I put a question mark next to Harvard because I couldn't find the Fielding Collection online at Harvard.
Dear Jerry
David Fleeman did catalogue the Hyde library but on cards which have gone either to Harvard [SJ & other 18th Cent people. Or the BM [Wilde and Shaw].
The BM does not have enough money to catalogue the books & MSS they say. Ha!
The Fielding Collect ion is online at Harvard, but not independently. You have to ask for Fielding + provenance Hyde.
The SJ & Boswell collections are excellently well done at Harvard. Also I think Mrs.Thrale/Piozzi. There is a savvy and kind young man who is doing these collections. You can probably latch onto him by typing Hyde and Harvard.
I will [if you are extremely well behaved] attempt to send you my short title catalogues of Shaw [mostly the letters] and Wilde [his books and letters but not the subsidiary material].
The Architecture books were sold to Maggs, who sold them to xxxxxxx.
Gabe, 10/28/08
Thanks for the info.
I just got out of the hospital. I had gone in for pre-testing last Monday, with gallbladder surgery scheduled for Wednesday. Wrong! They admitted me Monday and performed the surgery on Tuesday. There were complications which ruled out laparoscopic surgery.
First off, the surgeon discovered that my small intestine was attached to my belly button. He had to fix that before he could do anything about the gallbladder.
The gallbladder itself was as hard as a rock, so he couldn't have performed the laparascopic surgery anyway.
There were complications after the surgery as well....
I'm feeling much better, thank God! My blood pressure is slowly returning to normal, but my oxygen levels are almost back to normal already.
G: Good!
Meanwhile, I'm spending a little more time on Library Thing. I'm getting all my ducks in a row to create a Profile Page for Mary Hyde on Library Thing (LT). I'm not going to wait until we finish Boswell's library, but will do both at the same time. On the Profile Page, I'll be listing all the sources used to catalogue Mary Hyde's library. I would appreciate a copy of your short title catalogues of the Wilde and Shaw Collections. I didn't realize how extensive the Wilde Collection was until I saw the BL article, Wilde About Mary. It appears that the BL has found the money to catalogue the Wilde Collection , but I can't tell if all the items belonged to Mary Hyde or if some of them belonged to Lord Eccles. The BL doesn't appear to have catalogued the Shaw Collection.
G: I did not know that the BL will be cataloguing the Wilde collection. Lord Eccles had nothing to do with it.
I will be contacting the Houghton Library catablogger you mentioned, John Overholt, for his assistance in locating a copy of Catalogus Bibliothecae Hydeianae. Harvard published a three-volume set of the Catalogue. I will be using their online listings to catalogue the Samuel Johnson Collection. I'll also ask him about the Henry Fielding collection. I had no luck searching the Harvard Library for that collection. I came up with five listings. How extensive was the Fielding Collection? Oak Knoll Books has a copy of a 1987 exhibit of the collection at Houghton where 75 books were listed in the catalogue.
G: The only catalogue I know of of the Fielding Collection was a mimeograph list. Theoretically you can get a listing by entering author Fielding and provenance Hyde.
I may order that catalogue from Oak Knoll, and will be contacting them for a list of the books about books from the Hyde Collection they've sold. Currently, they have 41 books from the Hyde Library that haven't sold.
I'll also catalogue the Hyde books listed in Joe Maynard's catalogues as well as the books listed online at abebooks and abaa.org.
Thanks for sending a list of the architecture books xxxxxxx bought from Maggs. May I mention that he owns them? I may contact Maggs to see if they have a list of the Sporting Books.
G: You will have to ask xxxxx. Ditto for Maggs.
I will also list the books from the Hyde Library that are in my library.
I'll have no problem with the Shakespeare Collection. I have a copy of the auction catalogue. Moreover, the catalogue is still online.
G: The FOF history has a complete list.
Although I have two copies of the Japanese catalogue, I might have problems cataloguing it on LT since many of the works come up empty on searches of the two Japanese University Libraries listed on LT. I may have to manually input the listings.
G: Many of the Japanese books were unique, or so scarce as to be unique.
Dear Gabriel,
Thanks for all the files. All except for one, the CLARKMSS.TXT, came through great.
I got my copy of Four Oaks Library out, went through it, but didn't find anything about the Hydes acquiring books from the Clark Collection. Did the Hydes have the Catalogue of the Clark Library? Is that what is in the files?
I'm looking forward to cataloging the Hyde Library beginning in the New Year. One of my cataloging counterparts was in Japan with Phizer for a number of years, so he'll be cataloging the Japanese Collection. I'll probably start with the Samuel Johnson Collection. Hopefully, Library Thing can get the MARC Records from Harvard. I've already put in a request through Library Thing. That would definitely make it easier.
Do you have a photo of Donald and Mary Hyde together? I couldn't find any in all the books I have. I'd like to put the photo on their Profile Page instead of the bookplates I currently have displayed. On the Profile Page itself, I will provide one or two biographical links, and a short description of their lives and of their collections. I will include the cataloging source of each collection, where possible.
It will be interesting to see how many people will be cataloging the Hyde Library. We completed Samuel Johnson's library and Charles Lamb's library with two people. On paper, we have six people signed up to catalog Boswell's library, but only three people are actively participating. If everyone were cataloging, it would be a word-wide effort: catalogers from Florida, Philadelphia, Cape Cod, Scotland, France, and Belgium.
Thanks again for the files and hey! - Have a Merry Christmas!
Dear Jerry, 12/17/08
The Clark files were my computerization of the holdings at the Clark library at UCLA which are “lost” in the general UCLA catalogue. Likewise my computerization of the Clark printed catalogue, and the Ledger collection. This was all for comparison purposes.
For the possible photo you should Mary’s niece Sally Bullard [www.maineweddings.com] who has all the family stuff.
Johnson’s library is quite difficult. I think I may have a beginning computerization. [Later – nope. I thought I did, but don’t find it].
I have been thinking to use the Library Thing to make a simple catalogue of the parish library here. You will have to tell me how it all works.
Merry Christmas yourself!
Dear Gabe, 12/17/08
Thanks. I will contact Saly Bullard about the photo and xxxxxx about listing his books.
I see you got started with Library Thing. Here's some rambling thoughts on how to catalog on Library Thing:
Choose searches for libraries or listings which are related to the books you are listing. ie. use English libraires such as Oxford for English Books, the Vatican Library for old Catholic books, and amazon.com for modern books.
For most searches, just enter the title.
For Oxford, enter the author's name, part of the title, and date published.
Any information in your listing can be changed.
If you can't find a library listing, you can enter the book manually.
There is a 200-book limit for free accounts. Lifetime memberships cost $25 with no limit on the number of books cataloged.
Any questions, email me.
And a Happy Birthday to Her Ladyship!
In honor of her birthday I started cataloging Mary Hyde's Drama Collection on Library Thing.
I was hoping we would have their Samuel Johnson Collection in place on LT but Harvard has yet to forward the MARC Records due to personnel changes brought about by the economic downturn.
I've mined over 100 books about books formerly owned by the Hydes from Oak Knoll Sale Catalogues; but we have to complete cataloging Boswell's library first, before I can devote maximum effort to cataloging the Hyde Library,
to me: 7/8/09
Harvard got nearly 20 million to catalogue the collection.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Harvard sent the MARC Records to Library Thing in September, 2009. I made the announcement on EXLIBRIS-L then, thanking John Overholt for his efforts]
Dear Gabe 9/18/09
Happy Birthday Mr. Johnson!
To me: 9/18/09
Do you mean Dr. Johnson?
Gabe, 10/6/09
I thought you might enjoy reading about what I found in Umatilla.
I'm thinking of posting it to exlibris. What do you think?
To me:
It is interesting because it brings up many Johnsonian associations. Sidney was much involved in matters Johnsonian as was Jack Bates, a lovely man and one of the most popular professors at Harvard.
Do you have my list of the meetings of the Johnsonians? There are 200+ copies at Harvard in the Hyde bequest. Perhaps you could beg a copy.
The portrait of Johnson was Max Beerbohm's favorite. He thought it showed SJ at his sympathetic best - the kindly warmhearted man. The note is in Max's copy of an AE Newton book, now also at Harvard.
That you would find the book in Florida is no surprise. Sidney was for years [as you note] rare books librarian at a Florida college. There must be a photograph of him [as of Jack Bates] in the FOF book.
It would certainly be more interesting on Exlibris and more pertinent than all the drivel about xxxxxxxx.
I have a copy of The Celebrations of the Johnsonians. That's where I got the date of Sidney Ives's speech. It didn't give the title of the talk, though. It might have been what Ives wrote on the front pastedown: Was Henry Thrale More Important to Johnson than Hester?
I have a copy of The Celebrations of the Johnsonians. That's where I got the date of Sidney Ives's speech. It didn't give the title of the talk, though. It might have been what Ives wrote on the front pastedown: Was Henry Thrale More Important to Johnson than Hester?
I could probably figure out the title by examining all the notes Ives left.
I will post my blog on EXLIBRIS.
p.s. There have been 162 new visitors in the last two weeks to the Hyde Page on Library Thing.
Fascinating to see Sidney again, Thank you.
Gabriel, 11/29/09
And a good morning to you! It looks like we'll be cataloging as many of the Hyde Collections as we can on Library Thing.
It took almost fourteen months, but we finally completed the cataloging of the Boswell Library. I'll be spending time cataloging the Hyde Drama Collection and cataloging additional books to the library of Samuel Johnson.
My cataloging counterpart on Library Thing, Dave Larkin, has started cataloging the Hyde Collection of Japanese Books and Manuscripts, using the auction catalog. I told him about the index cards you made of the collection for the Hydes. He'd like to use the descriptions written on those cards. There are index cards listed as Item 439 of the Papers of Mary Hyde Eccles. These are the cards you created, right?
The British Library has cataloged the Eccles bequest of the Wilde Collection. I'm going to ask if they can send the MARC records of the bequest to Library Thing. Wish me luck because I heard the BL doesn't give anything for free. Is there anyone you know at the BL that would act on my behalf? If not, we'll catalog it book by book, but I'm not looking forward to it, as our plates are pretty full for the next year or so.
I'll also be cataloging Books About Books and other reference works that are listed in the catalogs of Joe Maynard and Oak Knoll Books, as well as books in my own library.
Then there's the Architecture Collection and....
Hello, yourself.
Good gracious, the calendar of the Hyde papers is a trip down memory lane. How well organized Mary was!
439 is indeed the catalogue of the Japanese collection. NB: some of the [best] items were given to Harvard before the sale. These are recorded in the exhibition at Harvard. Be sure to use also the list of some items from the Japanese Collection in FOF LIBRARY.
The person to contact at the BL is Sally Brown - a lovely lady.
I am disappointed that Harvard and the BL will not do a printed catalogue of the collections.
NBB: There is also the Fielding Collection given to Harvard earlier, which did a miserable mimeographed checklist.
That should keep you busy.
MARC Records of the Mary Viscountes s Eccles Bequest to the BL
Good news! The BL has approved my request to have the BL's MARC Records of the Eccles Bequest exported to Library Thing. Andrea Lloyd, the BL cataloger of the bequest, coordinated the approval through the BL. I never contacted Sally Brown; I think she retired.
To me:
wonderful news!
Gabe, 12/17/09
A few questions concerning the Hyde collections:
Which collections went to Maggs? I believe you told me that the Architecture Collection went to Maggs, but what about the Sporting Books?
Do you have a contact at Maggs?
There didn't seem to be too many Shaw books in the Eccles bequest to the BL. Did the Shaw Collection primarily consist of letters?
Jerry: 12/17/09
I inherited the sporting collection and the bindings and sold them to Maggs. The bindings were resold immediately to XXXXXXXXX. Robert Harding is the fellow who was the intermediary.
The architecture books were bequeathed to Lord Eccles and passed into the family.
There were not an awful lot of Shaw books in the collection. It was chiefly letters.
The Cataloging of the Architecture Collection is now complete:
G: Which of the books was Burlington's copy?
Got it! Thanks! I had meant to identify the book as the "prime book in the collection," but had a senior moment. Here's the updated listing:
While I got you, where did the Forgery Collection go to?
G: Forgeries - I've forgotten. Were they not sold with the Elizabethan drama? It was the reason the Hydes collected forgeries - William Ireland &c
The Forgery books were not sold in the Drama Collection. I'll catalog the ones identified in Four Oaks Library and then see if I can locate some of them.
Btw, I appreciate the reminder about Burlington. Feel free to add anything to the comments sections yourself. The password for DonaldandMaryHyde on Library Thing is xxxxxxxxx.
And a hello to you! Two unrelated pick-your-brain topics:
I just read Pottle's book on the history of the Boswell Papers. Now I'm reading Buchanan's version. I was surprised that Donald Hyde didn't approve of Pottle's version, and managed to delay its publication. I have a feeling that Pottle was not on the "A" list of the Hydes. Do you care to elaborate?
Pottle was resentful at Ralph Isham and at the Hydes for buying the Boswell Papers. I did not know the Hydes delayed the Pottle publication.
In the Winter 2003 issue of the Shakespeare Quarterly, William H. Sherman provided an eloquent obituary of her ladyship, Mary Hyde Eccles. Most of it was "old news," but he included "something new" about her ladyship's shakespearian efforts which got me to researching a bit:
"... But in 1923 she helped to establish the Shakespeare Association of America, a group of wealthy patrons and scholars who met at her New York apartment ..."
I hadn't realized that her ladyship was associated with the Shakespeare Association of America that early, so I acquired the first two issues of the association's bulletin, hoping to find mention of her in the creation of the association. There is no mention of her ladyship in the first two issues. Moreover, the founding members provide a much different version of its creation than that of Sherman's. Then I got to thinking... her ladyship was only eleven years old in 1923... I don't think she had her own apartment at that age. And I don't think she was involved with the Shakespeare Association until after she met Rosenbach in the early 1940s. Care to elaborate?
The Doctor - so far as I know - was the inspiration of the S Assoc of America. [He was a good Shakespeare scholar]. The founders and directors met in his apartment. Arthur Houghton played a large part in the Assoc.
Btw, how have you been? I've been playing the Traveler this year. In April we flew to Hawaii for two weeks. In June we drove to New York for a memorial service. We just came back from Texas last night after seeing our newest granddaughter, Joey, grandchild #14, born when we were in Hawaii. We took I 20 to Texas last week because of the hurricane, but we took I 10 back. Our next few trips will be confined to Florida!
I am hanging in [on?]. I just had a heart stress test which almost blew me out of the water, as a preliminary to a valve replacement which I am not convinced about.
Donald Hyde was on the Yale Advisory Committee, and he and Isham's sons recommended that Pottle's book be revised. They thought Pottle didn't give Isham enough credit in the discovery of the Boswell Papers. The Hydes asked Buchanan to provide further research and Buchanan ended up writing the book. Pottle's book was published twenty years after he wrote it.
Donald Hyde was on the Yale Advisory Committee, and he and Isham's sons recommended that Pottle's book be revised. They thought Pottle didn't give Isham enough credit in the discovery of the Boswell Papers. The Hydes asked Buchanan to provide further research and Buchanan ended up writing the book. Pottle's book was published twenty years after he wrote it.
I go for a heart echo later on this month and wear a heart monitor the day before. My cardiologist didn't like hearing about an out-of-breath episode I had in Hawaii in April while walking the beach. Of course, a respiratory infection and VOG (volcano ash) may have had something to do with it. We'll see.
I say go for the second opinion before they tinker with your heart.
To give you an idea of the attitude of Pottle to things academic, while he was working on his edition of Boswell's life [still the best edition], information about a new discovery of Boswell papers was deliberately kept from L.F.Powell [a sweet man] by R.W. Chapman [a decidedly not sweet man] for fear that Isham would [rightfully] claim them, Pottle's attidude - expressed in his book - was too bad for L.F.
To Gabe,
Simple. Chapman could not abide Americans.
I saw my cardiologist today, and that reminded me to ask you about your heart valve problems. Did you get a second opinion?
It turns out I have a leaky valve. But my cardiologist believes I can live with it since it's only a minor leak. She says as long as my blood pressure stays low and I keep exercising, I should be in good shape. But she will continue monitoring my health every three months.
She thinks my "silent" heart attack, which occurred sometime before December '05, damaged the valve. I was experiencing several bouts of heartburn in 2005, one of which was the real thing. Only I didn't know it until my stress test in December '05.
The leaky valve does explain my shortness of breath when I over-exert myself.
It's a good thing you are at a distance or I would throw something at you. One day the news is good; the next day not. I will regroup in February. My problem [I think] is my age: I don't feel I have enough reserves to go through a valve operation. The cardiologist is a former olympic runner and seems not to know such things.
However I am doing more rehab exercises which should help.
Over exertion is bad at all times. You know Bob Benchley's comment: "Whenevr I get the urge to exercise, I take two aspirin and lie down".
I'm off to New York tomorrow to visir ny daughter. Be so kind as to delay any hurricanes for two weeks.
I have some books to send you.
How come the Florida Bibliophiles are not on the Grolier Club Florida visit list?
Gabe, 8/19/10
Whenever one of my former postal customers would start a litany of their health problems, I would ask them, "can you still smile?" That always seemed to put things in perspective, smile and all. And no one threw anything at me.
I'm a firm believer in exercising for my heart. I should exercise more strenuously in order to get rid of the extra twenty pounds, but to hell with the rest of my body.
I don't know why the Florida Bibliophile Society isn't on the Grolier Club Florida visit list. I am a member in name only now. I pay my dues, receive the newsletter, but don't attend meetings anymore. They wanted me to accept one of the officer positions again, but I'm done. I prefer to spend my time cataloguing libraries on Library Thing.
Have fun on your trip to N.Y. All hurricanes will be on hold until the 10th of September.
Gabe, 2/10/11
I received the book s today and am still going through them. Thanks.
Among the loose papers was a folded sheet of white paper with the words "for Harvard" written in the top right-hand corner. Inserted in the paper, I found a 1959 newspaper article on "Johnson's Fighting Septuagint" by Geoffrey F. Nuttall, Librarian, New College London, and an ALS to Nuttall from L.F. Powell concerning the book. Do you want me to keep this for my collection or forward it to Harvard?
thanks again,
Dear Jerry,
I've been looking for that letter which I promised to send to Harvard. Would you do the honors, please? I suppose it's best to send it to John Overholt, the Hyde Curator.
Many thanks,
Will do. I'll send it to John via the Monday mail.
Gabe, 8/27/11
Something different. A blog post in story form, based on an episode from my childhood:
to me:
To all my bibliobuddies 9/26/11
Here's my monthly post for My Sentimental Library blog:
My Autograph Letter Collection
Jerry Morris
Fascinating stuff. But next time make legible copies of the letters. F.B. Adams Jr was for several decades the head of the Morgan Library. He was also a president of the Grolier Club and chiefly responsible for awakening its from its moribund condition after the 39.45 War. In the auction catalogue of his library, there is a fascinating account of his presence at the White House [he was a cousin of FDR] on December 7 1941.
I shall look for a copy of the auction catalogue of Adams's library, and may include your info about him in my blog post.
As for the images, click on the images, and then click on the circles with the + sign inside; it will enlarge the images and make them more readable.
As for the images, click on the images, and then click on the circles with the + sign inside; it will enlarge the images and make them more readable.
One A.L.S. I purposely omitted was one from Agnes Repplier, because I didn't have any books by or about her in my library. I read a few of her essays online last night. A fascinating woman! And a few minutes ago I ordered one of the books she wrote.
To all my bibliobuddies 10/22//11
Here's my October post for My Sentimental Library Blog. One Bibliography is the topic:
Jerry Morris
Fascinating stuff!
My review of The Shakespear e Thefts: In Search of the First Folios by Eric Rasmussen
To all my bibliobuddies 11/27/11
Interesting, as you say.
To Jerry Morris 3/5/12
As of a few hours ago, I'm a Grandpa - of Gabrielle.
Named after my mother, then me, then the mother [Louise Gabrielle] and now the 4th generation.
I'll be going to New York in a week or so.
Catching the next cloud.
Gabriel Austin
To Gabe,
Congratulations! Granddaughters are special. Especially one named after you!
Jerry –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Here's my monthly blog post, a rather long one: A Virtual Tour of my Mary Hyde Collection.
Let me know if there's anything that is incorrect or that you don't approve of.
I'll be posting it to ExLibris after the holiday.
To me:
Dear David
You might find this a lovely trip down memory lane.
Note the initials of the author of The Treasure of Auchinleck.
To all my biblio buddies,
We're heading to Texas on Sunday to see the young ones; but I wanted to get my monthly blog post online before leaving:
Grammars, Spellers, and Writing Guides
best, Jerry
To me: 8/26/12
Fascinating stuff.
I was hospitalized with hemoglobin deficiency and now a possible urinary infection.
The joys of age.
To all my bibliobuddies,
My Christmas blogs:
Merry Christmas,
Dear Jerry,
I have been out of touch for a wuile, having caught MRS. Clinton’s intestinal bug, followed by varioua upsetments which dehydrated me and has me stuck in a nursing home. I am removed from my mail o cannot forward the various bibliophic gems which ti mean to.
But the spirit is there. Please to accepy my good intentions for Christmas.
Glad to hear from you; I was concerned.
We're headed to Texas tomorrow to spend the holidays with nine of our grandchildren. Five of them are at Fort Hood, and the other four are six hours further west in Monahans, Tx.
Here's to a Happy and HEALTHY New Year, especially for you.
To: EXLIBRIS-L 1/30/13
Some list members may enjoy reading my R. L. S. -– related blog post, Memories of Things Experienced and Things Missed.
Jerry Morris
Fascinating, as usual. Do you know Chesterton on RLS?
Me to Gabe and EXLIBRIS:
Haven't read Chesterton's book on RLS; but I see it is in the Internet Archive.
Are you feeling better?
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